Greetings! My name is Rev. Dr. Mike McMullen, President of Fully Awakened Ministries. Fully Awakened Ministries derives its name from the Holy scriptures when the inner circle of disciples become fully awakened at the transfiguration of Christ. Our religious entity is filed federally under 46-2466880 and under the State of Texas 32-050728487.
Fully Awakened Ministries is the hub organization that oversees Scripture Alone and LightStream Church of the Nazarene, our Minecraft servers, 5worlds evangelism, and our IT support.
Rev. Dr. McMullen opens the door for online ministries for churches who want to re-engage the youth. He is a Scholar who is published Click Here
Dr. McMullen is a contract chaplain for White Orchid Hospice and has worked in Prison Chaplaincy and Hospital Chaplaincy.
After serving in the first Gulf War and working as an executive for Ethan Allen, Mike decided to integrate his knowledge in technology and ministry which evolved into Fully Awakened Ministries.
Our Mission is to provide safe places for Christians to fellowship and Game, and reach out to the lost. Our Servers operate 24 hours a day 7 days awake providing service to 24 servers, everything from chat forums, voice servers, coding servers, game hosting and bots for Discord. I hope you will join us in our mission to reach and encourage youth! -Rev. Dr. McMullen